Early this year I was contacted by Beaudazzled Beauty who invited me to collaborate and trial some of their vegan and cruelty free products.
I have shared on my Instagram that I am by no means a beauty expert however, like most of us, I do know what makes me feel and look good.
Concerned with what chemicals and other nasties might be in my makeup, I was very keen to try products that were cruelty free, earth friendly and sustainable.
A little skeptical by nature, my main concerns were the quality and the longevity of the products. Would I have to be continuously reapplying throughout the day? And would my make up look as fresh at the end of the day as it did in the morning?
I have been using a variety of products and will start with the Gallany brand. All their products are produced with a formulation that also protects the skin and maximises the product performance rendering the make up products, also skincare products so to speak. They manufacture in the US and are 100% cruelty free. The products feel very luxurious on the skin, are hydrating and I have found them to have mostly excellent staying power on the skin.
I am always on the look out for the perfect concealer! My under eye area is a little 'sunken' and as such that area can be 'shadowed' making it look a little dark. The right concealer helps to correct that. This concealer is lovely! With daily use, this product lasted approximately 6 months. It is a smooth gel serum which is moist and not at all drying on the skin, so you get a lovey creamy finish that does not cake up and accentuate lines. It blends beautifully and is very light on the skin. This would have to be the best concealers I have used and extremely good value for the cost.

Gallany First Class Lash - $33.00 This is a beautiful product that practically glides onto the lashes. It does appear to have conditioning and nourishing properties. I have found it very easy to layer with and build up some volume to my lashes, but most days one coat is enough for a lovely natural looking lash. I have been using this for about 6 months and it's still going strong.
This powder foundation can be used wet or dry! I haven't tried it wet but I have been using it more as a finishing powder over my BB Cream. I dust it under my eyes and then over my face using a large blush brush. My preference is for a soft matte look with my make up and this powder foundation is perfect and not drying at all. I have found I don't need to use very much and looking at my compact I could have another 6 months of product left.
I love this lipstick. The creamy texture, the smell... this colour! A good red lipstick is like gold to me. I have worn lipsticks with more staying power, but they have been very dry matte lipsticks that almost need to be 'scrubbed' off. For a cream lipstick this is quite good. On a normal work day, I would reapply this lipstick twice ... once after lunch and again before I leave the office. This lipstick lasted about 6 months and is definitely one I will repeat. It's a perfect red!

Now returning to those questions I asked when I first started using these products, would I have to be continuously reapplying throughout the day? And would my make up look as fresh at the end of the day as it did in the morning? I like hhese producs.. a lot! I have actually been surprised at how fresh my makeup has looked at the end of each day. Even two weeks ago after 14 hours of delayed flights and alternate travel arrangements to get to a conference I was amazed when i looked in the mirror to find that my reflection did not reflect the total exhaustion I was feeling.
The cost of skin care is of course always a consideration which often is dictated by our budgets however I found the cost of the products very reasonable. I used the $37.00 concealer every day for approximately 6 months.. if you work out the cost per application you are definitely getting value for your money.
Over the past month or so I have also been trailing some other products from Beaudazzled. One in particular, Liquid Gold which is pure argan oil, is actually quite amazing. I will stop short of referring to it as a miracle product... but it's pretty good! Will report back in a few weeks.
If you have any questions about the products I have mentioned, please feel free to ask in the comments. I feel very satisfied and confident these are products worth trying.
xxx Deborah